• Locarno Film Festival: « Cinéastes du présent 2023 »
  • Tübingen/Stuttgart, 40. Festival du Film Francophone de Tübingen, Prix du jury jeune 2023
  • Bienne, Festival du Film Français d’Helvétie
  • Montréal, 29e Festival de Films CINEMANIA
  • Rome, 21. Alice nella Città Film Festival
  • Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema (Poland)
  • Crossing Europe Film Festival (Austria)
  • FILMKUNSTFEST (Germany) – Prize for Children and Youth
  • Festival Zinetiendo (Spain)
  • KASHISH Pride Film Festival (India)
  • GAZE LGBTQ!A Film Festival (Ireland)
  • Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival (Korea)